Cannibal Queen
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Cannibal Queen

Welcome Oriental


Guess what, they threw my sweet ass off of MySpace for gawd only knows why.  And just when I was starting to make all kinds of friends, too. I think everyone should have a website if they want one.  I just think them folks over at MySpace are a bunch of elitest stinkers myself.  The ones that run the show I mean.  But that's just me.  Anyway, I ain't gonna let that get me down.  No way!  Life's too damn short to worry about such things, don't you think?


On this site you'll learn all about me and some of the people in my life.  And I know you're gonna like me.  People always tell me I'm such a loveable, huggable woman.  I ain't bragging on myself neither, but I think I am too.
Welcome to my world, World!


These are some of my favorite people in the whole wide world:


Barbara Stanwyck, for one. I just love that woman, and who cares that she's dead.  In my heart she's as alive as you and me.


Then there's Vlad the Impaler.  Boy, talk about a macho man!  You might wonder what it was about Vlad that I found so attractive.  It wasn't his personality by any means.  But I did find his moustashe and big brown eyes very sexy.   He was kind of a teenage hearthrob that I outgrew when I found out I was as queer as a three-headed chicken.


Guess I was around thirteen when I realized I was different.  That's when I discovered I was a vulva huntress.  Kind of threw me there for a while, finding myself attracted to other women and what not.  But, hey, different strokes, right!


I guess I was born into a crazy world from the very beginning.  For instance, my name really is Cannibal McQueen.  My momma named me that right after I was born, saying I looked like a cannibal the second she laid eyes on me.  But all my friends call me Candi.  Now if we ever meet sometime, I want you to call me Candi too, okay?


And I ain't no ignorant hillbilly, either.  I went to Andrew Jackson University where I majored in exotic cuisine.  I figure with a name like Cannibal what else was there to do.  Got my own crab shack and everything.  Cannibal Queen's Crab Shack is the name of it, and you're all welcome to drop by if you're ever in my neck of the woods. 


I love everybody on the face of this big wonderful beautiful earth, and especially women with big fat radical vulvas!  Yeah!

My name's Cannibal McQueen, and I hope you all like my site. I sure do!  It's far from done and I'm still working on it, but you all can come back and see how I've added and improved on it anytime you like.


And that picture of me is kind of flattering if I do say so myself, don't you think?  Although I do look a little butch and could use a tweak here and there.  And I plan to, when I get that plastic surgery I been saving up for.










Another of my all time favorite people is Ellen Degeneres.  She's every bit as queer as I am, dances like a Cajun princess, and loves critters with the heart of a saint.  Doesn't get any better than that. And she gots a lot more class than Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton, or Britney Spears.  You're not going to find Ellen showing her privates anywhere on the internet.  I know, I looked. 


I ain't ashamed to say I'd love to dive into her juicy clam and tongue her straight to the heights of heaven, and I don't care who knows it!  God bless her sweet ass!

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