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Hi there, sweetie

On this page you'll meet some of the people who shared their love with me.  Everyone needs love, don't matter who you are.  I learned that at my momma's knee.  And it's true, too.  Don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise.



Rockin Hilda

Hilda loves sports.  Any sport.  That's the main reason we broke off.  Seems like all she wanted to do was take me to ballgames or watch them on TV.  Sports and food.  That's her passion in life.  She still comes around the crab shack now and then.  But now we're just friends. 

Heady Eva

Eva was a real clam diver.  She liked to give more than receive.  And she was smart as a whip, studying higher mathematics at the local community college.  Said she wants to prove that there are other dimensions in our universe besides the one we're in, and even claimed that her dad was from another planet.  In the meantime, she works at the local KFC. 


Tamy kind of threw me when I met him.  He told me he was a woman and I believed him, fool that I was.  He's the one I'm with on my clit page.

Betty Bam Bam

Betty is a sad case.  I hooked up with her when she came to my door one day asking for something to eat.  I'd never seen her before.  She stuck around for a few months and then one day she was gone.  I ain't seen her since. 

Hard Reba

Reba drives a truck, a big eighteen wheeler.  Trouble with her is that she does to much crank.  But even a little is too much as far as I'm concerned.  I had to break off with her because she was just too damned controlling. 

Alfreda E. Holcomb was never a lover, but I did have a crush on her in the 5th grade

Sheila broke up with me because she said I played too rough when I gave her hickies.

Sophie Giggles

Sophie was a lot of fun.  If she hadn't joined the Army and gone to Iraq I guess we'd still be together.  I sure hope she's doing okay over there.  Her letters sound like she really regrets being there.  I tried to warn her.

Alice the voodoo queen

And she's pretty good at what she does.  But she really gave me the willies every time she wanted me to do sex rituals with her.  I mean, eating clam and hearing your lover begging Satan to come join the party sort of gets on your nerves after a while.

This is Maud after Alice did a spell on her

I told Alice Maud only liked to cuddle.  I really think she was just showing off.  She didn't impress me one bit though. I've seen some weird things in my life and Alice's magic only rated a seven. 


Ogla looks crazy but she's really very sweet.  She has Tourette Syndrome and likes to stick her tongue out and say strange things.  She's kinda fun to be with.  You just never know what she's going to say.

Jackie and Jill

These two were (and probably still are) lovers.  I answered an ad in a butch rag and we got together for a threesome.  It was okay I suppose, but sex with them was almost non-stop.  I just couldn't keep up with them.  I mean it's good and all, but there are other things to do besides eating clam and pumping dildoes into each other 24/7.

Roscoe Cherns was one of the few men I let into my private regions.

Julie was strange. She picked me up at a bar in Cincinnati . Said she liked my looks.

The one that got away... I still love ya, babe!


My alter ego